Thanks to T.J. Almodovar, MacDonald Realty for shining the spotlight on our work!
OnPurpose – Vikki Stevenson, HomeStart Foundation
Vikki Stevenson, HomeStart Foundation: We have people who are sleeping on air mattresses and their stuff is in garbage bags. We had some poor guy who was sitting on a lawn chair in his apartment, that’s it. So it really hits home when you think especially about your own kids.

Organization Spotlight: HomeStart Foundation – DP World Vancouver, NOVEMBER 15, 2018

HomeStart Foundation is a charity in Metro Vancouver that helps turn houses into homes for those transitioning out of homelessness.
Julia Foy on ‘angels’ giving furniture to the needy, Dec 16, 2010
Charity turns house to a home, June 17, 2009.
Giving the homeless a HomeStart, June 6, 2009.
A Message from Premier Gordon Campbell in Support of Vancouver’s Biggest House Warming, June 4, 2009
HomeStart in Wish Magazine